To use the custom image building feature of PrimeHub, you will need to configure your container registry settings.

In this section you will do the following.

Customize PrimeHub YAML

Open your PrimeHub YAML file for editing.

$ vim .primehub/config/<cluster-name>/helm_override/primehub.yaml

Add the followingcustomImage section to the primehub.yaml file, entering the values for your own container registry.

  enabled: true
  registryEndpoint: <registry-endpoint>
  registryUsername: <your_container_registry_username>
  registryPassword: <your_container_registry_password>
  pushRepo: <registry-endpoint>/<namespace>/<repo_name>

Apply the changes

Use the upgrade PrimeHub method to apply the changes.

<aside> ℹ️ The command is named upgrade **but we will be using it apply changes, and not alter the version of PrimeHub.


Standard Environment

If your environment have access the internet, use the following method.

Use the status command to ensure PrimeHub is currently running correctly.

$HOME/primehub-<**primehub-version**>/install/primehub-install status primehub

Use diff to show the changes that will be made according to your YAML file.

$HOME/primehub-<**primehub-version**>/install/primehub-install diff primehub --primehub-version <primehub-version>