The requirements specified below are the minimum recommended requirements. Your actual requirements may differ based on your usage, e.g. number of simultaneous notebooks, types of model training, heavy API usage, etc.

Before starting, ensure you have a user account with sudo privileges.

System requirements

The hosts in your PrimeHub environment must meet the following requirements.

Minimum hardware requirements

The following minimum hardware requirements are recommended:

Recommended hardware and software settings

In addition to the above hardware requirements, the following BIOS and swap settings are also highly recommended.


If available, ensure high-performance CPU mode (or equivalent) is enabled in f management BIOS settings. Other modes, such as power-saving, can cause performance and stability issues.

Operating system requirement

You can install PrimeHub on the following Linux distribution:

Operating system PrimeHub v3 PrimeHub v4
Ubuntu 18.04 V V
Ubuntu 20.04 V V
Ubuntu 22.04 V V
RHEL 7.7 or newer V V
RHEL 8.4 or newer V V

However we can install PrimeHub on some old Linux distributions, it is recommended to install a newer version of Linux distribution to get more timely support from the respective vendor.

Please check the support policy of each vendor to know more about the lifecycle of the Linux distribution you choose to install PrimeHub on.

For example, Ubuntu 18.04 has a period of 5 years of standard support (like other LTS releases), which is expired on May 31, 2023, so it is suggested that we install Ubuntu 20.04 or a newer version of Ubuntu in this case.